Whether your student is graduating from college or kindergarten, great graduation photos can capture meaningful memories of this chapter of their life for years to come.
That’s why we’ve compiled some expert tips on when and where to take graduation day photos so you can capture the big day in the best possible way.
Capture the time and place
Some landscape shots of the school and candid photos before and after the ceremony can capture the character and excitement of the event.
Use the school as your portrait backdrop
There’s no better backdrop for a graduation portrait than the school itself. Interesting architectural elements, entryways, signs with the school’s name or a space where your graduate made a lot of memories with friends can be ideal locations for beautiful and meaningful photos.
Great photos are made in the shade
Direct or harsh sunlight can create a lot of shadows in photos, not to mention squinting eyes and scrunched faces if your subjects are staring into the sun. A large area of open shade is ideal for individual portraits as well as large group photos.
Don’t miss the hat toss!
The tossing of the mortar boards is one of the most exciting and iconic parts of the ceremony. To capture the most hats in the air, leave plenty of room above the graduates’ heads in the frame. A professional camera with a wide-angle lens will give you the best-looking shot.
Take photos with friends and faculty after the ceremony
Take some photos of your graduate with their friends after the ceremony when they’re beaming with pride, diplomas in hand. If your graduate had favorite teachers or professors, after the ceremony is a great time to get a few photos with them as well.
Step out from behind the camera
While you’re busy photographing the big day, don’t leave yourself out of the memory book. Have another family member or friend capture some shots of you with the graduate, family and friends.